Monday, November 1, 2010

I wanted my kids to be 2 or 3 years apart. Then 2 seemed really close although I felt a little disappointment when I realized I'd missed my chance for 2 under 2. Then I thought I might be pregnant. Then I thought I wasn't and I though next month would be better. A December baby. Two years, three months apart. Then I found out I was already pregnant. A November baby, 25 1/2  months apart. And I thought 6 months from now would've been better.
That would've been a May baby. And now we've missed the chance for that. And a June baby. And a July baby.
August baby?
September baby?
I can't think that they'll be more than 3 years apart. That seems like forever. Too long.
I want my baby now.
I said please.