I've been expecting something in the mail, so when I saw the key to the parcel box in my mail box I got excited.
And there it is. A big box of Similac for my dead baby.
I've been getting little letters and junk and it didn't bother me. Maybe because I wouldn't use formula anyway. Maybe because I could just throw them in the trash.
I was already a little sad because I'd decided to write Willow's due date on my calendar. I kept looking at the empty square. No plans for that day anymore.
And just to add insult to injury, Jackson's closed at 111. I was on my way to Target when I got the mail.
And the detour goes right past Forest Lawn.
And Aladdin's Florist had a big sign out front that said $199.99 Funeral Special. That part didn't make me said, but what the hell?
Also, tried to watch some sad movies... or I should say the movie versions of some sad books. Lovely Bones... I watched half yesterday and decided to just send it back instead of watching the rest. Cujo... the kid doesn't die at the end. Of course not. Because everyone knows that kids don't die.
And if they do, nobody talks about it anyway.