It's a... baby. I know but I'm making Josh keep it a secret so I won't even write it here.
I was terrified. The tech was talkative and didn't know our history until the end when she looked at the chart. She was showing us things and telling us what she was looking for. I didn't like her. I thought we were going to have the same girl who did Willow's u/s and got the measurement for our NT.
She didn't ask us if we wanted to know what we were having, just said it, conversationally and we weren't even sure if that was what she was telling us.
I cried sometime in the middle. Watching the heart beat, I think.
She told us everything looked great.
Dr Steiger came in after she was done. He looked at some things. Showed us the face in 3d. Printed a picture. The tech hadn't given us any pics, so I asked for a few more and he printed them.
It was anti-climactic. I don't know how it could have been better, though.
We were talking in the car and Josh said Willow's name - maybe for the first time since driving home from the hospital. He was saying he'd been worried with Mischa because she was our first and worried this time, but not worried at all with Willow.
I wish I had time to write when I had time to think but those two never go hand in hand.
We're having a baby.