We parked. We went in. Waited a few minutes.
First one tech. Don't remember her name. She said she'd do some pictures and then Geneveive would come in and do some more pictures. She made annoying small talk. Asked if it was our first. I said no, so she asked if it was our second. I said, "Something like that." I think she asked if we were hoping for a boy or a girl.
I am so tired of that question.
I guess the baby was asleep. It was wasn't moving. That was freaking me out. It didn't seem to move much at all but it did end up moving some. She was finally able to get the profile for the NT measurement.
She mentioned a few things as she was scanning. The nasal bone ("nose bone," she said), when the baby put its open hand in front of its face (clenced fists can be a marker).
Then Genevieve came and did some more pics. Some more of the NT measurement. The legs, the spine, the head. She put some info into the computer. Saw that she'd done our last scan and said she'd thought we looked familiar. Then she said she was going to get Dr Steiger. At first she just put the towel over my belly, but then she said I could wipe off and sit up. The Dr was just going to look at the pictures, he wouldn't need to do any more scanning. And that was a relief.
NT was 1.2.
Odds are 1:10,000 for T21, 1:22,000 for T18.
No anencephaly. Skull is nice and round.
Spine looks good so far.
We made the appt for the anatomy scan. April 1st.