So. Here's what happened. I managed to temp on Saturday and Sunday. Temps were high. Sunday night and last night I slept in Mischa's room because she's sick. Yesterday I had cramps but they didn't feel like period cramps. So. I starting thinking. I had doubts about this cycle. I told myself I wouldn't even worry about it because I just started taking evening primrose oil. January would be my month. New year, new pregnancy.
But I started wondering. Yesterday I was feeling a little of that two week wait anxiety. I filled in my chart and Fertility Friend said I was 11dpo. Maybe my boobs were sore. Maybe.
So I wake up this morning. Maybe 12dpo. But no temp, no test. No need to be wasteful. But I really have to pee. And one of my tests is an old one. It expires soon.... February, I thought. Oh, no, April. Well, that's still soon.
So. I dipped the stick and I'm watching the dye. No. That's not a line. That's a trick. Let the test do it's thing, then check it. But that looks like a line.
Okay, go see what Mischa's doing. Wait a few minutes. Now check again. And that's a line. Not even a faint line.
Someone's in there.
3 weeks, 5 days. EDD September 1st.
I posted a pic on Conception After (and later felt bad about it because I always hated looking at other people's bfps). I joined the Expecting After group and the September DDC on MDC. I put a bunch of pregnancy books on hold at the library. I want to call the Dr and make an appointment but I might as well wait until after the holidays since they won't see me yet anyway.
3 weeks, 5 days.
I used my label maker and put my name in the little pregnancy tracker book that I got last time. I want to read things and tell people and fill things out. I don't know.
September 1st.
I hope this works out.
Josh came home for lunch and I managed not to tell him. Maybe I can wait until Christmas? Or Christmas Eve?