I caught myself resting my hand on my belly yesterday.
Nothing there.
We went into the hospital at 7pm friday night to start the induction. Josh told the security guard we were there for a scheduled induction. She looked at me and I guess she thought she heard him wrong. I kept my sunglasses on until we got into a room. A nurse asked me if there was something wrong with my eyes. I got an IV, had blood drawn, waited. My nurse was named Frances but she wanted to be called Rusty. The first night I had Cytotec every 4 hours. I was exhausted and I slept. Contractions started after the second pill and they put me on the contraction monitor. Not much happened. In the morning they started the Pitocin. My nurse was named Lori and she wouldn't let me drink any water in case I needed a D&C after the baby was born. Still nothing happened. A social worker came to talk to us and I think this was when I found out that the baby could be born alive. Also, that the baby would probably be over 400 grams, so we would need to contact a funeral home. At some point after that, Dr Bernard came.